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  • Advanced Prophecy Handbook What does the future hold?  This book explains the details, to a more advanced and/or academic/scholarly audience, with much authoritative citing of Bible prophecy experts.  This book serves as an in-depth exposition of the many events of prophecy, and provides about as much information on the subject as any layman or pastor would ever want.  An easy-to understand colorful chart is also included.
  • Architecture Aficionado Some of mankind's greatest expressions of creativity are found in his variety of architectural innovations.  This book/pictorial manual, in mainly black and white pictures, provides a new ideas primer and foundation for (almost) anyone to build on.
  • Building a Billionaire Business:  Proven Principles to Propel Profits Over 500 unique, new products ideas inside–FREE! Most every business and most nations’ economies can be materially improved.  This book gives practical tips on exactly how that is achieved.  Written by an MBA, and former Fortune 500 Big Four Management Consultant, applying its practical insights can help any business owner and/or executive achieve their desired ends.  It offers business and economy improvement primer, as well as aiding consumers and employees in maximizing their  dollars earned and spent.
  • Design Your Future:  Innovation Strategies for the 21st Century Innovation is the key to the future, and tomorrow starts today.  This book gives strategies for almost anyone to be more pragmatically creative.  Written by ‘The World’s Most Innovative Man,’ it contains the best (long) chapter, anywhere, for inspiring and educating any reader in the skills of practical innovation.  It is the ‘magic’ behind our over 4,700+ new product ideas (strewn throughout four books) is explained, including the best speech EVER to inspire and teach anyone (and any business) to become profitably innovative.
  • Discern Your Future:  Practical Prophecy for an Unsuspecting World Over 500 unique, new products ideas inside–FREE! What does the future hold?  This book explains the big events and time-line, in layman’s terms.  Terms like the Rapture, Tribulation, Antichrist, Armageddon, Seals, Trumpets and Bowls are explained, with enough depth of auxiliary content for the reader to walk away well-informed on the major events of Bible prophecy, and their theologically sound ordering of events.  An easy-to understand colorful chart is also included.  Anyone interested in knowing the basics of coming/future world events will get simple explanations, as well as relevant predictions and trend analyses concerning prophecy timing.
  • Dumb as a Donkey, Fat as an Elephant: Common Ground Through Common Sense for the Common Good Over 2,000 unique, new products ideas inside–FREE! If voters want to know the inside scoop behind both political parties’ beliefs, strategies, values/priorities, and how ‘we the people’ can fix this mixed up mess, this book is an essential tool.  It is foundational to our other three political books, as it lays out what’s really going on with current day status quo politics, in easy-to understand layman’s terms.  This is our landmark book on how “We the people’ can change Washington for the good (and to do good, both in policies and practice), using common sense to secure unifying solutions, efficiently and within budget.
  • Gospel Comparison This more academic poster specifically identifies which Gospel verses are the same or merely similar to those found in the other three Gospels, and visually shows each Gospel’s unique sections, especially in Luke  and John.
  • Gospel Outlines Each of the four Gospels’ contents is outlined, then artistically formatted, with interspersed famous artwork depicting identified scenes from the overall Gospel narrative, and life of Christ.  
  • Gospel Parallels This artistic poster allows Bible readers to quickly identify same stories in different Gospels, as well as see the different ordering of events the Gospel authors chose to achieve their book’s theme.
  • Idioms for Innovators and Immigrants Idioms are the colorful way to communicate, and they are relatable to common experience—but only if you know them and understand them.  Both innovators and newly ‘Americanized’ immigrants can benefit from learning their meanings, and applying them in everyday communication.  This book presents an exhaustive A to Z accounting of most idioms known to man.
  • New Testament Color Charts How can one know the contents and argument flow of the second half of the Bible?  This book uses icons, color, text, and structural guides to assist both recall and understanding.  These charts graphically explain the meaning and layout of God’s latest Testament, using pictures, colors and text.  It allows an easy understanding of context and perspective when studying the Bible. As an easy Bible book overview, and memory device, this work also provides structural clues to all New Testament books, and content details unique to every book.
  • Prophecy Chart

    This educational chart details the timing and Scriptural justifications for every major event of prophecy.  It consists of three pages of posters, matching graphics with text, and providing the reader with an overview of the most important topics and passages involved in bible prophecy.
  • The Color of Life This artistic poster uses famous artworks of Jesus’ likeness (from down through the ages) to depict His multi-faceted life and ministry, all surrounding a borderless centerpiece of His earthly mission—a pure white cross.
  •  The Gospel According to God:  A Biblical Refutation of Lordship Salvation What must man do to avoid Hell, and end up in Heaven?  For decades, Christians have been debating the requirements God places on Heaven's entrance.  Two major theories have arisen, only one of which can be correct (Gal. 1:8).  Citing nearly every New Testament Bible verse, and argument on the subject, the author conclusively assesses the issue, after covering the best cases to be made for both sides.
  •  The Way Things Ought To Be:  A Global Vision for a Better World Over 500 unique, new products ideas inside–FREE! This book offers an inspiring, practical plan for all nations to get along and get things done.  The doctrines and positions espoused in this work are applicable and practicable for any governing structure and nation!  It also provides common sense, more balanced/centrist ideas, on political issues from A to Z.  It offers common sense solutions to most of the world’s problems, both globally and domestically.
  • Wit & Wisdom:  Don’t Speak About Politics or Religion (A Voter’s Manifesto) The greatest political ideas anywhere, and solutions to most of America’s many challenges are found in our blockbuster, live-tweeted book, that significantly changed American politics and Christianity from 2014 to 2018 (and which many of the world’s VIP’s have already seen written, and warmly received).  This book forms the intellectual background to more significant political change in America than perhaps any other source, written live in Twitter since 2015, with no fanfare.


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